• Tags: zsákok
potato harvesting
potato harvesting
harvesting vegetables, pepper
harvesting vegetables, pepper
harvest, beetroot transportation
harvest, beetroot transportation
sorting potato
Exhibition Someşeni
Exhibition Someşeni
Exhibition Someşeni
cows in the stable
Gilău, planting potatoes
Gilău, planting potatoes
Animal exhibition 1984
Animal exhibition 1984
Animal exhibition 1984
Animal exhibition 1984
Animal exhibition 1984
Animal exhibition 1984
agriculture, potato seeding, beetroot, field preparations
agriculture, potato seeding, beetroot, field preparations
agriculture, potato seeding, beetroot, field preparations
agriculture, potato seeding, beetroot, field preparations
agriculture, potato seeding, beetroot, field preparations
agriculture, potato seeding, beetroot, field preparations
agriculture, potato seeding, beetroot, field preparations
agriculture, potato seeding, beetroot, field preparations
agriculture, potato seeding, beetroot, field preparations
agriculture, potato seeding, beetroot, field preparations
harvest wheat
harvest wheat
harvest wheat
harvest wheat
harvest wheat
harvest wheat
harvest wheat
agriculture, harvest, wattle, combine harvesters
agriculture, harvest, wattle, combine harvesters
agriculture C.A.P. Câmpia Turzii, hand and wheat
agriculture C.A.P. Câmpia Turzii, hand and wheat
agriculture C.A.P. Câmpia Turzii, hand and wheat
agriculture, harvest wheat, burrowing, collecting the hay, Gloria